Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My First Blog Entry it seems that everyone else I know has a Blog and uses it to keep everyone (thats interested) up to date on whats going on with they're families and life. I suppose it's time that I join the group.

There seems to be a lot going on this summer. Lets see I am going to try to lay this all out...So even if no one else wants to read this, I have a nice recap of whats been going on.

okay so first..keep in mind that i know i am missing some things...Grandpa : As everyone knows, grandpa's bladder cancer is back and he also has a high probability of the cancer moving to his spleen and one of his kidneys. He was kind of running downhill, we have Hospice coming to the house a few times a week to check on him, he needs constant supervision because he has very little satima and muscle control. My uncle comes over for some of the time during the day, and my Jim has been staying home durning the day to make sure someones there too. He has been doing much better the last couple of weeks, he loves his wheelchair, and actually went out and got a pedicure and a manicure last night.

Jim : Jimmy has come home from Iraq after being there for 15 months (yuck, i think not), and is now also home from Hawaii. He is back in MN and living with my parents. He has been a total godsend being able to watch out for grandpa when my mom and dad arent home. Hes trying to find a job right now which can be pretty darn tough seeing as how hes always home. But he totally saved me this past week. I had to go to Illinois for a Funeral and I was able to leave Emma with him for those 3 days.

Emma : What to say about Emma........Well shes the love of my life. I honestly dont know what I would have done with out her. I love to open her door and just watch her at night while she sleeps (she makes the cutest little faces while she's sleeping). She got her ears pierced again this summer. She has taken swimming lessons and loved them, she would live in the swimming pool if I let her. It helps that we have a swimming pool in our complex because its nice to be able to just head there instead of packing up to go swimming. She is so excited for school, and can't wait to go. I on the other hand wish that she wasnt quite so ready. I can't believe that I have a child that is going to be starting school this fall. Where did all the time go?

Okay so I think that this is a good start, and check back as I hope to just jot my random thoughts and expressions here often.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're doing a blog! I know we still talk a lot but sometimes it can be a bit so now I can keep track of you and Em. :). I love you guys!
