So its been a while since I have 3 months or something. Life has been crazy hectic, in a good way.
Emma is doing wonderfully in school and loves Dance. She had her winter recital and it was beautiful, I can't imagine her not being on a stage and shes only 5. Maybe I'll try to get her in some theater. She recently also lost both her front teeth, so she looks so darn cute right now.
Work is good, driving me crazy but good. In times like this, when I have a bad day at work, I say to my self that I have a job and I can pay my bills so life isnt all that bad.
My birthday was okay, I worked through it, Emma got H1N1 during it, so we didnt get to celebrate a ton, but we got to do it up the next week.
I have just about finished buying the christmas presents but I havent wrapped a single one. I really truly dislike wrapping presents. I wish there was an auto wrap button.
When do you want me to come over? You make dinner, I'll wrap ;) But you have to have boxes. You know how I feel about weird shaped things!!