Whew is all I can say.......So Friday Emma and I went to the Crystal Park and Rec's Movie in the Park. We watched "Monsters Inc." and had ice cream (curtosey of Cold Stone), it was great she got to play at the park for an hour before the movie and then watch the movie. Saturday we went to Chutes and Ladders which is a nice park on Hyland Park Reserve in West Bloomington. We went with Baylen and Lindy and had an awesome time. Emma didnt like the walk home very much but we made it. Yesterday I went to see Harry Potter for the second time, I took my god-son who like me loves the movies! I do have to say that I would not have even gotten in to the books though if not for Becky who bought me the first book, then borrowed me each other one so I could finish reading them.
Emma and I have been adding Maia and the girls in to our prayers at night since Maia's been sick, and we've been praying for my Cousin Sarah whos going through probably the most difficult part of her life right now. Coping with the death of a parent who was taken way to early, but is most definately an angel sitting up there watching over all of us now.
I'm having guy issues right now, the issue is that I dont know what I want to do with the situation I am in and it sucks. Oh well I guess I should I be getting back to work now, maybe I'll write some more on that piece later on tonight.
Call me if you want to talk about it!!